Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Theme songs

Those of you who own an iPod, especially a nano, know what I mean when I say that it has drastic effects on the everyday experience. It seems to draw out hidden, musically bound meanings to life that require it's beckoning hand in order to emerge, hesitantly and blinking, from their dark and sealed lairs. One of the most noteworthy causes of this is how darn small the thing is. It can literally be taken anywhere and as a result I oftentimes take it everywhere.

Consequently I have begun to appreciate what it would be like to have a fitting theme song for every moment. Strolling around with my iPod blaring, there are occasional flashes of perfect synchronicity between the musical experience and the world surrounding that precious little bubble. For instance, as I round the last bit of a run and Rage Against the Machine's "Tire me" comes on, I can't help but scrutinize the moment for a divinely guiding hand. "Yeah you tryin' to tire me, tire me...Why don't you get out in front of me?" Guitar rifts. Yelling. And i'm sprinting with a sudden burst of energy as if I was just beginning my run instead of just finishing it.

In another, more extreme and more ridiculous example of this, I once took my iPod with me as I went to use the bathroom before a workout. Tool's Aenima was just reaching it's climax as I sat there on the toilet, and I couldn't help but laugh, most likely disturbingly and embarrassingly, at the fitting nature of a man yelling "I wanna see it go down, tear it down, flush it down" as I was trying to take a dump.

Maynard of Tool was, of course, referring to the decadent nature of the world and his desire to see it done away with, but for me, in that moment, he was clearly encouraging me in my efforts to empty my bowels.

Hence, ladies and gentlemen, a new theory: Every moment has the perfect theme song. Either you just haven't heard it yet or it hasn't found it's way into concrete manifestation.


Andrew said...

You win the oft-coveted "Made Me Spit Liquid Out of My Mouth With Your Hilarious Story of Listening to Tool While Defecating Story" Award. Congrats!

lauren said...

life is just great like that.

Anonymous said...

I love it when you can sing your own improvized tune to enliven a situation as well. If it's done correctly, it can make any mediocre joke fantastic. I love music.

Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to think if I've ever listened to headphones while in the bathroom. So if you run and you have a nano, do you have the nike + kit? I love that thing, but sadly I don't run outside here much because well, it's just not pretty like Chicago. And I'd probably get lost. But when I travel, I tend to have an artist or song that defines that trip--Keane when I was in London and interestingly, I was listening to Mat Kearney while in Paris. So I'll always think about riding on the Metro when I hear his songs. Aah. And hey--you should check out ruinedmusic.com. That's a whole other slant.