Monday, January 8, 2007

The Return

Ladies and gentlemen: it is with great pleasure that I bring to you Freestyle Blogging - the reincarnated second edition of Dangerboy's Blog. Come weary traveler, venture into these depths if you dare!

Stand stupified as profound prose pelts you with such rapidity that you might come to believe you've been sentence to death by pillory as in the old'en days. Watch helpless as bloated metaphors trump up and down lines and margins as if they were a heretofore hibernating and hungry Godzilla, and the lines in question were the very avenues and streets of Tokyo City (In this metaphor about metaphors, you, the reader, would be one of the thousands of screaming Japanese citizenry forever doomed to run from Godzilla while wearing 80's short-shorts).

But above all else enjoy yourself. Leave comments as you see fit, and sit back and enjoy the unique specticle of a man constantly hovering on the brink of nonsensical rantings.

We're back ladies and gents!


lauren said...

oh yeah. first official comment. sweet. i've been missing you at the open mike. i currently have some wonderful strings of words brewing. must share soon. peace.

lev said...

This can ONLY be a good thing.

Lacey said...

Yaaaaaaay I'm so excited. You've been live bookmarked now.